Cover Reveal & Review of Semblance by Author Logan Patricks

SEMBLANCE (Book #1 in The Midnight Society) by the amazing Logan Patricks

will be released on Dec 23rd, 2013!!!

Mark as “want to read” on Goodreads and look at this awesome cover!


From Goodreads:

Whoever said money couldn’t buy happiness has never starved a day in their lives.

My name is Aria Valencia, a third year classical music student at the University, and I was down to my last dollar. Some nights, I seriously considered stripping at the Skin Bar just to make ends meet, but the thought of my dad’s spirit–God rest his soul–scowling at me while I shoved my breasts into some pervert’s face was enough to turn me off the idea completely.

And then one night, chance came knocking on my door under the guise of the Midnight Society, a secret cabal comprised of the most wealthy and influential souls this side of the Universe. Their leader was a man named Shadow, who was equally enigmatic as he was gorgeous and, for some mystifying reason, had his dark brooding eyes focused on me.

Seduced by the promises of fame and fortune in exchange for a seemingly innocent request, I soon found myself drawn into a provocative world filled with both vast riches and unending lies and it didn’t take long for me to realize what being a part of the Midnight Society actually entailed: shiny things, hot sex, and dead bodies.

There’s a dark side to every love story, and this one was mine.

And her story includes this guy…

Shadow pic..

**** hashtags ****

#Shadowishotashell #Iwanthisbabies #Illplayyouasong

#Noredandwhiteplaidhere  #Ishishirtwet? #hellyeahitis

And this guy… (AKA Mr. Fox)


**** hashtags ****

#IheartLincoln #hard #canwetrusthim

#whocares #youhadmeatsexualdiviant

What if there was a secret society whose members were the world’s top business men? What if that society had been around for centuries? You married from the society, children raised with the Fight Club mentality; First rule of The Midnight Society, don’t talk about The Midnight Society. Except your punishment isn’t an ass kicking, it’s death.

And what if you met a man who was the king of this society, and basically ruled the world? If you’re Aria– you tell him to go scratch because you want nothing to do with this crazy crap.

And she does, at first.

I loved Semblance. This novel is a fast-paced, suspense driven, page-turner. There was one clever twist after another. And just when I could breath a little sigh of relief… BOOM! I’m stunned and making — no-way-that-just-happened noises. Honest to God, I suspected everyone and figured out nothing! Every single plot twist is relevant, and dammit! my 007 inner fangirl was all about the society’s security.

I’m totally hot for both Shadow and Lincoln, but Aria? Now THIS is a strong, independent female character I like! As she tries to navigate this new world, she never loses sight of who she is, and her goals in life never change.

At one point a few of the members are outraged that she would even be considered by The Midnight Society. One member asks her about her family– what did her father (who is dead) do that was outstanding with his life? What was his greatest accomplishment? She answered, simple, “Me”. I love that.


(no picture from Mr. Mysterious)

Logan discovered both love and heartbreak at the tender age of seven, when the pretty little blue-eyed girl next door stole his Kit-Kat bar and shared it with the bad boy from across the street. Devastated, Logan found solace by escaping into imaginary worlds he forged with words, creating kingdoms where the chivalrous knight always got the princess.

Twenty three years later Logan spends his days in a suit and tie, working for the government on matters of network security. However his thoughts never strayed too far from the incendiary nature of love — the passionate fire that’s both scintillating and dangerous. Obsessed with exploring the steamy and mysterious side of human nature, Logan continues to create worlds filled with thrills, mystery, and of course, sex.




